Augmented reality (AR) is a technology that levels computer-generated augmentation on a live reality in order to make it more consequential. It enables the capacity to network with it.

AR is developed into mobile apps and used on smartphone devices to merge digital components into the real-world. It is done in such a way that they boost one another; however, they can, in addition, be handled separately.

AR technology is swiftly coming into the mainstream. It is used to exhibit score overlays on telecasted sports games and pops out 3D emails, pictures or text messages on diverse mobile devices. The technology leaders are using AR to do remarkable and ground-breaking stuff by utilizing holograms and motion-activated commands.

Virtual reality (VR) is an artificial, computer-generated recreation or delight of real-life surroundings or circumstances. It submerges the user by making them feel like they are present in the simulated reality personally, largely by thought-provoking their vision and hearing.

VR is characteristically achieved by wearing a headset like Facebook’s Oculus capable of integrating with the technology, and is used outstandingly in two different ways:

  • To produce and develop an imaginary reality for entertainment and gaming.
  • To improve training for real-life environments by generating a simulation of reality where people can run through beforehand like flight simulators for pilot training.

Virtual reality is realizable by a coding language acknowledged as Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML) which can be utilized to generate a sequence of images and spell out what types of interactions are achievable for them.

10 Real Use Cases for Augmented Reality |

Now lets take a look at the uses of these technologies :

Healthcare and Aged Care: The healthcare industry has long sought ways for helping improve health outcomes using technology. VR and AR are no different in this regards. There have been surgeons using Google Glass and many others trialling VR (such as here, here and here) to enhance operations or procedures as well as to broadcast to an audience. There are also several aged care providers that are looking at how VR might assist residents and patients. For example, by allowing them to immersive experience events they may not be able to physically attend or to help with reducing the stress that Alzheimer's patients experience.

Education and training: Digital education is now a staple in most education systems around Asia Pacific, complemented of course by in-person teaching. And in most professional and many amateur sports the video review of recent games or practice is a regular part of training. Many in the education and training sectors are now upping their tech game by turning to VR and AR to provide an enhanced experience. VR for its ability to provide different and immersive perspectives such as with the Port Adelaide Football Club in Australia, and AR because of its ability to offer on-demand information and direction to existing or newly-created materials.

Museums or exhibitions: VR offers galleries, museums, and other organisations that hold exhibits a way to provide a different dynamic to the in-person or digital experience. We have seen AR also used highly effectively for exhibits.

Story Telling and Art: Similar to the museum example, there are many ways to use VR and AR to tell great stories or produce new art. For Example, The Verge has a great roundup from the Sundance film festival or check out the VR film about Indigenous Australians, Collisions.

Advertising : REA Group followed others in the real estate sector in Australia to use AR to provide its customers with additional information to advertising boards for its properties. This is, indeed, a common way to apply AR and is an idea that can potentially be adopted by any organisation that uses physical advertising, whether this is in a printed publication or on billboards.

Showcase your organisation or assets: We have witnessed a number of organisations use VR to showcase what they do as an organisation to help with recruitment of staff and students. One Australian university, Deakin University, used drone footage of its campus and 360 degree video of lectures to provide a sample "day in the life of a student" to prospective undergraduates . This concept could easily be applied to many physical environments or even jobs.

Maintenance: AR has been used by remote workers in many countries' defence forces for some time to maintain vehicles and equipment ( this article was from 2009). Today AR can help a maintenance person quickly understand the vehicle or machinery they are working on with plans or information overlaid on their vision in the AR glasses for any industry. The main thrust is to enable workers to be more productive and give them freedom of consuming information with hands free.

Customer engagement: One of the smartest applications of VR that we have seen is by a non-profit organisation that needed a new way to cut through with its message. Instead of trying to approach visitors to a mall or shopping centre to engage them, the organisation created a VR experience that did the work for them. The average time spent with an individual subsequently went from a few seconds to 5 to 10 minutes.

Physical product or location development: One of the most exciting developments that tools like HoloLens has brought is the ability to use mixed reality or AR when designing products or buildings. Instead of viewing 2D plans or images on a screen, the user can view the draft plans or prototype overlaid into reality. In some instances changes to the design can be made in real time with the customers input. This is a fairly significant shift in the way products and physical environments are designed

Entertainment and Events: Any organisation that runs events of any kind (sporting, musical, theatrical, government, corporate, and more) in a venue that has a fixed amount of seating should look into whether they can increase their audience with VR. Companies like Next VR, which has broadcast VR versions of sporting events, political debates, and others, are opening up new experiences and revenue streams. In addition to events, of course, is the world of gaming. I've deliberately left this until last as it is the easiest application of VR to understand and also popularised AR via Pokémon Go.