The significance of augmented reality (AR) is plain and simple - it gives you an opportunity to see more and uncover hidden possibilities. The potential for such technology is bigger than VR - unlike the latter it is brimming with value from the get go.

The thing - there is a lot of information that could be put to use. For example, there are applications that allow you to see if the dress is fitting you. The same thing can be applied to tattoos - you choose the body area and the drawing and then match it. This is ground level stuff and it is very helpful in everyday life, something that is beyond VR right now.

It is also a fun thing - think about all those filters that can change your face.

On the other hand, AR can be very useful in navigation. You can follow a route easily with its help. Or you can point a camera at something and get certain information pinned to an area.


Augmented reality is used in different fields like education, health care, E-commerce, sports, navigation, gaming etc. Pokémon go game is one example of augmented reality application. It is different from virtual reality (VR).

Virtual reality takes user completely into virtual world. Whereas in AR user doesn’t lose his presence in the physical world. Most of Augmented reality applications can used with smartphones, but in VR every user need VR headset to enjoy virtual reality.

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We have entered an age where virtual objects now intrude into physical space, were a physical object can be addressed and matched with component virtual data presented in real-time. This is the world of Augmented reality. This technology is helping to drive innovation, creativity, and development of other technologies and concepts that previously would have taken an unknown period of time and resource to accomplish.

Augmented reality now plays an important role in many of our major industries, such as in education, where students can gather information within eyesight of a given object, watching related videos and more, also in the enterprise space, augmented reality is assisting workers to deploy solutions faster, maintenance safety standards, provide remote assistance and develop complex solutions in a smaller timeframe than otherwise would be available.

The more we dive into the possibility of the technology, the more we find practical applications to our day to day lives, from navigating city streets, to finding the pricing on houses and apartments simply by pointing our phones to them, to being able to decide furniture for our living space.