Marketing is the means by which companies employ a range of strategies to help them sell their products to the right customer. They start by identifying who their target customer base is and then follow this by a concerted campaign in which they aim to fulfil their customers’ needs and build long term loyalty.

Augmented Reality (AR) is an effective marketing tool that creates a new unique brand world, strengthens its advantages in the existing reality and gives the user a unique multimedia experience of interaction with the product.

AR is a tool that can be used for almost any product and service to enhance or emphasize brand properties.

Augmented reality is one of the newer forms of strategies adopted by companies who use it to combine elements of print and online advertising. They view it as an ideal way of delivering persuasive messages to a technological minded audience.

The use of augmented reality in advertising is discussed in greater detail in our augmented reality advertising article.

Advantages of augmented reality marketing

It is still early days regarding the benefits of using this technology as a marketing tool but here are a few potential contenders:

Personalisation: the customer can upload their own content to create a personalised form of media which is marketed at them only.

Novelty: augmented reality is considered to be the ‘latest thing’ on the technology front so there is still that drive to be an early adopter.

Socialization: there is the opportunity for customers to share their personalised content with others, i.e. viral augmented reality marketing.

Accessible: it enables customers who do not have the technical skills or know-how to create their own multimedia product.

There is also ‘customer experience’ to consider: augmented reality can inject a playful, fun element into in an everyday product. It adds a sense of excitement to the process which appeals to a greater number of customers.


What areas is AR used in:

  • FMCG
  • Retail
  • Game industry
  • Pharmaceutical business
  • Education
  • Medicine
  • Military industry

What features AR provides:

  • increases the likelihood of re-purchasing a product or service
  • Increases the time the audience interacts with the product
  • the brand provides an individual and unique design
  • brightly identifies the product among others
  • makes your product multimedia
  • emphasizes the strengths of the brand

Augmented reality is solution # 1, if:

  • you need to increase the company's sales in the season, in the year;
  • it is necessary to bring a completely new product to market;
  • a second wind is needed for the stagnant product;
  • you need to increase the number of repeated purchases of the product;
  • it is necessary to make a creative campaign and a WOW-action.

AR is a marketing tool that gives your customers a unique user experience and highlights the strengths of your brand.

+ 25% increase in frequency of purchases

+ 43% increase in product value

7x increase in the time of product interaction

+ 30% increase in the number of purchases


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