VR application development cost comes down to the kind of content you are looking to create. Sometimes you will need a mobile VR application, other times you are looking for a VR game. Some applications can be built with simple 360 videos, while others will be built in full CG-based environments. The scale and complexity of each obviously will add or subtract to the total cost of development.

360-3D Interactive Video Costs: $10,000 for each minute filmed + post-production.

CG-based Environment Applications: Between $40k and $70k for a non-gaming mobile VR application.

CG-based Gaming Applications: Between $50k and $100k for gaming-based projects.

Marker-Based Augmented Reality

Marker-based AR or Image Recognition based AR provides more information about a scanned object after the user focuses on a pre-defined marker or sticker. An object is detected with a front-facing camera and then proceeds to provide information on the screen regarding the object. This allows the user to view the object in more detail from various angles or potentially rotate the image in 3D as well.


Marker-based AR Costs: $5-10k per 3D modelled object interaction and UI

Room Scale AR Costs: $40-50k per room dependant of the number of objects.

Plane Projection / Gyroscopic AR Costs: $15-20k per 3D object dependant on interaction complexity.

Wearable Based AR Costs: $50-100k range for developing full-scale AR applications.