The usage of VR and AR can radically alter this dynamic. By incorporating a visual and interactive component to otherwise abstract information, the focus and interest of students will sharply increase. This will motivate them to actively engage in classrooms, and positively influence the way in which learning is approached.

Experiential learning and practice

Educators have long struggled with the challenge of encouraging students to pursue a career in the STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) fields. VR and AR offer a solution to this issue. Purely theoretical subjects such as mathematics can be made more interesting through the visualisation of the theories and formulae being studied in a three-dimensional framework.

The implementation of augmented reality in fields such as medicine and engineering allows students to practice the techniques they are taught and gain valuable first-hand experience in a safe, controlled environment.

Showcasing these critical fields to learners in an entirely new manner has the potential to spark a lifelong interest at an early age, and produce a generation of highly skilled, motivated, and enthusiastic specialists.

Revolutionising distance learning

The decade has seen online learning surge in popularity, both in India and across the world, driven by improved access to the internet, the professionalisation and standardisation of the field, and a growing acknowledgment of its usefulness.

However, this increase in popularity has also exposed several shortcomings. Key among them is the absence of the classroom environment and lack of engagement with teachers and fellow learners.

The introduction of VR and AR has opened an avenue through which these issues can be addressed. An academic model that combines the advantages of online learning with the experiential possibilities of these technologies has the potential to overhaul the system and have lasting impact on the future of education.

As every coin has two face, similarly AR/VR do have disadvantages besides having numerous advantages. With passing of each day now no field or industry is untouched by the application of AR/VR, so it depends how the technology is applied in each sector or field. As the question has not specified disadvantages in which respect , I would be mentioning few of the adverse effect of AR/VR on our health.

  1. Virtual Reality Sickness- VR headsets contain 2 small LCD monitors, each projected at one eye, creating a stereoscopic effect which gives users the illusion of an artificial environment created all around you. And longer time of screen focus increase feeling of nausea and distortion , a phenomenon called Virtual Reality Sickness.
  2. Eye Strain- While using AR/VR headsets we are confined in a limited area from our environment. And we see and focus on particular details for long due to which we may tend to blink less compared to normal frequency of blinking. This results in drying of the front surface of our eyes and strain on eyes.
  3. Diziness- Individuals having amblyopia( an imbalance in visual strength beween the 2 eyes) or other conditions inhibits focusing, depth perception or normal 3D vision may not experience 3D effects of VR headsets. Individuals with these disorders may be ore likely to experience headaches and eye fatigue when using VR gear.
  4. Distortion- VR lenses often suffer from strong distortion especially in the peripheral area. The distortion is still severe after many software curation, human eyes will try very hard to correct these distortion, which puts eyes in tension and sometimes leads to nausea.
  5. VR games may be a very interesting for children or adults but prolong use of VR headsets may not only result in headaches and eye strain it may increase the chances of early myopia for children.

Some additional disadvantages:-

  1. Breach of security:- AR game PokemonGo is the best example how any stranger can just barge into your garden just to chase any augmented character and breach your personal security.
  2. No control over personal details- With the application of AR in web browsing and browsing in realtime, it would be possible in near future to just get any person’s details like Facebook profile details or other details just by pointing your camera on the person. So imagine, how dangerous it could be!
  3. Addictive and laziness- Well, this is from my personal opinion, with application of AR in all fields, all the works would be automated with just one tap on your smartphone, most of your works would be done. So you become more lazy, and more addicted to this technology.
  • Augmented Reality can only work on high end and mid end devices without any glitch.
  • Augmented Reality cannot load high detailed model, It must be a low poly model and if user view the model closely, mesh will show some low poly artifacts.
  • Markerless tracking (Floor detection) is only possible in high end devices. So it is limited to users.
  • ARKit (Only supports device which uses A9, A10 and A11 chips ) and ARcore, can only work on selected devices which is again not available for all devices.
  • Augmented reality come the privacy concerns as it will be using Camera.
  • Functionality will be limited in Augmented Reality applications as the device uses more battery as the camera will be running on the background. So more complicated features is not possible and it has limitation.