People are attracted to augmented reality: according to ISACA studies, 70% think that by integrating it into their everyday lives, they will strengthen the ability to get new skills, while 67% consider that AR is helpful for healthcare services, and 64% see the potential for hassle-free shopping with AR.

To build an AR app, you will need an AR software development kit (SDK) which will provide a quicker development process and avoid errors in the software you’re building.


Here are the best AR SDKs currently available:

  • Vuforia is an augmented reality SDK providing mobile-centric and immersive augmented reality experiences for app developers and organizations.
  • Google ARCore is acknowledged for having three important features that encourage developers to merge the actual world with the virtual world through estimation of real-world lighting conditions, detection of size, position, and angles, and motion tracking.
  • Apple ARKit provides an exclusive framework for app developers and organizations to create and design AR apps.